Horizon Platforms Blog

Category : Company News

NEW WHITEPAPER – “Time-Critical Retail Projects. Are You Wasting £000s Unnecessarily?” outlines safety tips and best practice strategies for access platforms in Supermarket Retail projects

a blog header regarding a new whitepaper from Horizon Platforms

Horizon Platforms are pleased to announce the launch of a new whitepaper aimed at the supermarket retail sector and the supply chain of contractors that support it. The whitepaper contains essential best practices for the specification of mobile extending work platforms (MEWPs) such as cherry pickers and scissor lifts. These are vital for essential works within retail spaces, particularly for projects concerning maintenance and refurbishment. The whitepaper also includes essential tips and advice around the safe operation of platforms in that environment.

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EcoVadis Silver: Promising signs for our sustainability journey

a header about ecovadis and horizon platforms

Horizon Platforms are proud to announce that we have recently been awarded an EcoVadis Silver medal, after being independently assessed by sustainability specialists, EcoVadis.  EcoVadis operate an assessment methodology that evaluates how well a company has integrated social purpose and sustainability into their management systems. Horizon were pleased to invite EcoVadis assessors to inspect our processes and provide objective feedback. You can imagine our delight when receiving the award of a Silver medal after our initial evaluation. This puts Horizon in the 88th percentile of all companies that undergo EcoVadis assessment.

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