Horizon Platforms Blog

Tag : IPAF

What is a Cherry Picker?

When deciding what equipment to use in your work-at-height project, you’ve likely heard the term ‘cherry picker’ thrown about. But what is a cherry picker machine (also known as a boom lift), how does a cherry picker work, and is it the right choice for your needs? In this guide, the experts at Horizon Platforms explain what a cherry picker is, so you can decide if it’s the MEWP for you. 

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Accidents That Can Occur if MEWP Operators Aren’t Properly Trained

When it comes to operating MEWPs, ensuring operators are fully trained and competent is paramount to carry out work-from-height tasks safely. Operating a MEWP without proper training and licensing can be extremely dangerous. Without a thorough understanding of correct MEWP safety precautions, you, or others, could fall prey to several potentially life-threatening MEWP accidents. HSE states “The most significant MEWP dangers arise from operation and use of the machine…The law says that these hazards must be properly controlled.”

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What MEWP Training is Required to Work on a Construction Site Safely?

The highest number of fatalities in the workplace are caused by falling from a height. With the majority of fatalities being in construction and many sites requiring people to work at height, following HSE guidance is paramount.   Although using a MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) will form part of health and safety (H&S) site rules and is one of the safest ways to work at height, the risk of injury or worse is always there, even for the most experienced operator. 

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