IPAF Push Around Vertical (PAV) Training

*From £159.00 + Vat / per delegate


To instruct the delegate in the safe operation of a PAV (Push Around Vertical) category. If the delegate has or is training on 3a (Mobile Scissor), PAV category is not required and only a familiarisation on the MEWP which is being operated.


Upon completion candidate to be able to safely operate a PAV including performing pre-use checks. 

Course Content & Length

  • 4 hours self-paced online training 
  • 1/2 day max. practical (in-person)
  • Legislation, Regulations and Guidance
  • Pre-Use Inspection/Hand-Over
  • Safe Operating Methods & Hazards
  • Practical Training (Genie AWP, Youngman X3 or Pop-Up Vertical Lifts)
  • Practical Assessment

Course Format

  • 4 hour online training (link provided upon registration)
  • Practical Exam is in-person

Entry Requirements

  • 16+ Years of age

Safety Requirements

  • Safety Footwear
  • Hard Hat
  • Hi-Vis Vest/T-shirt/Sweatshirt

PAV: Push Around Vertical

Half day course with theory and practical at our depot for full PAV category.

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PAV: Push Around Vertical

Half day course with theory and practical at our depot for full PAV category.

Book now

Target Group:

Any person(s) who requires the ability and qualification to operate a PAV category machine. The qualification covers low level machines commonly called "Push Arounds". If the delegate(s) possess a 3a category qualification the PAV qualification is not required. Duration 1 Day


Book your IPAF or PASMA Course online.

Book MEWP Training